Are you looking for good iPad apps for your kids or grand kids – ones they can learn from and enjoy using?
There are hundreds of thousands of iPad apps. It’s hard to decide which ones to get.
We’ve got recommendations for you for the best iPad apps for kids to learn on. Some of these apps are free, while others have a small cost – usually under $5.00
If you’re wondering whether it’s a good idea for you to encourage kids to use iPads, then here are some benefits you may be glad to hear about:
- iPads are portable. You can take them anywhere.
- iPads use a direct touchscreen. Kids don’t need a mouse or stylus to use iPads.
- With an iPad, a kid can enjoy independent learning.
- As long as you limit screen time to no more than two hours for kids 2 and older, the iPad is a great tool for children to learn from, explore, and enjoy.
How to get the best iPad apps for kids to learn on
You can download the apps to your computer from the ITunes Store, and from there they can be transferred to your iPad. There’s a free data manager app, AnyTrans, that will do the transfer for you. There is one version of AnyTrans for PC and another for Mac.
Go to this website to get AnyTrans free.
Another option is to go online to the iTunes Store to download apps directly to your iPad, or you can transfer apps to your iPad from your iPhone.
Get directions for how to do that here.
Our list of the best iPad apps for kids to learn on
We gathered these apps from several websites that rate kids’ apps. All of the apps on this list are designed for learning. Some of them use games as learning tools, and some don’t. You can find descriptions of the apps online at the iTunes Store and reviews at various websites.
Apps for Preschool Kids
Cookie Monster’s Challenge ($2.99)
Disney Story Central (first 4 books free)
Fish School HD ($1.99)
Habitat the Game (free)
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss ($3.99)
The Sight Word Adventure ($1.99)
Apps for Kids 5 to 8
Elmo Loves 123s ($2.99)
Plants by Tinybop ($3.00)
School Zone Time, Money & Fractions ($4.99)
Bugs & Buttons 2 ($2.99)
Disney Animated ($9.99)
Dragon Box Algebra 5+ ($2.99)
Marble Math Junior ($2.99)
Monkey Word School Adventure ($1.99)
Motion Math: Hungry Guppy ($3.99)
Thinkrolls ($2.99)
Thinkrolls 2 ($2.99)
Barefoot World Atlas ($4.99)
Art Set ($1.99)
The Human Body by Tinybop ($3.99)
Book Creator ($4.99)
Apps for Kids 9-12
Middle School Vocabulary Prep ($2.99)
Book Creator for iPad ($4.99)
Oratio’s Flute Master ($2.99)
Rhythmic Village ($0.99)
Crazy Gears ($1.99)
Experia Kids ($2.99)
Dragon Box Algebra 12+ ($2.99)
If your iPad has a cracked screen or isn’t charging very well, bring it in and let us replace the screen and fix the plug for you.
Then you’ll be all ready to enjoy the new learning apps with your kids!